Osteoporosis therapy

Proven effectiveness of the back orthoses Spinomed and Spinomed active 

Osteoporosis therapy

Effective osteoporosis therapy with Spinomed back orthoses

Vertebral fractures caused by osteoporosis impair freedom of movement and contribute to the formation of hunched backs. Spinomed back orthoses from medi are used as part of osteoporosis therapy. They are effective aids in straightening up the spinal column according to the “biofeedback” principle and in training the muscles. Their effects have been demonstrated in two prospective, randomised clinical studies.1,2 

Here you will find more information about Spinomed and Spinomed active

Studies and Trials

DVO Guidelines

DVO Guidelines 2017: On the basis of studies of Spinomed* and Spinomed active**, spinal orthoses are strongly recommended

The current guidelines of the umbrella organisation of the Deutschsprachige Wissenschaftliche Osteologische Gesellschaften e.V. [German-speaking Scientific Osteological Companies e.V.]. (DVO) strongly recommends the use of spinal orthoses – within the context of the therapy of osteoporotic vertebral fractures and in addition to traditional medical therapy approaches, movement therapy and strength training. The DVO guidelines entitled “Prophylaxis, diagnostics and osteoporosis therapy in postmenopausal women and men” was updated in 2017, and passed and adopted on 26 January 2018 within the umbrella organisation Osteology e.V. by a majority. The Steering Committee recommends: 

“In order to allow for low-pain mobilisation, the supply of a spinal orthosis should be considered.” 3

This recommendation is underpinned for the first time with both studies on Spinomed* and Spinomed active**.1,2 In particular: Both studies are evaluated with the high evidence level 1+ SIGN and, in view of the scientific evidence of the efficacy of spinal orthoses, remain unique to this day.

The Spinomed* and Spinomed active** back orthoses have been proven to strengthen the torso muscles, relieve pain and increase mobility.

The current German DVO guidelines also indicate that there is no significant difference in the effectiveness between Spinomed* and the Spinomed active**.

“Individual orthoses of identical design are not explicitly superior to others; semi-rigid flexible orthoses tend to be considered (thoraco-lumbar orthoses, TLOs).” 3

This statement is evidenced by the reference to the comparative study between Spinomed* and Spinomed active** from 2011.2 Comparative studies regarding other orthoses are not yet available.

More mobility, independence and a better quality of life for osteoporosis patients

The Spinomed back orthoses have been proven to meet the requirements of the German DVO guidelines. They activate and mobilise osteoporosis patients. Furthermore: The Spinomed models

  • strengthen the back and abdominal muscles within six months (by up to 72% and 56%).
  • relieve pain (by up to 47 %).
  • reduce the kyphosis angle (by up to 11%).
  • reduce the tendency to sway (by up to 23 %).1,2

Biofeedback principle

Spinomed back braces start strengthening the muscles as soon as they are put on. Because, in contrast to standard corsets or girdles, they activate the muscles of the back and abdomen. As a result, the torso is kept permanently straight. Together with the back splint, the elastic stretch materials exert noticeable tension forces on the pelvic and shoulder areas. So if patients slump into a faulty posture (rounded back), their braces automatically exert gentle pressure to remind them of the correct posture. This process is called biofeedback.

Treat osteoporosis successfully: Interview with Professor Minne

"Spinomed works because it increases muscle strength."

Professor Helmut W. Minne, MD was Medical Director of ‘Der Fürstenhof ’ Clinic in Bad Pyrmont, Germany from 1991 to 2010. During this time, he collaborated with medi in developing the Spinomed back brace. In this interview, Professor Minne describes the building blocks of osteoporosis treatment and why Spinomed orthoses are still a great success, even 20 years later.

Professor Dr Minne, how is osteoporosis treated?

“The patient can prevent further fractures by taking certain drugs. However, the future fracture risk should not only be reduced by improving bone biology: the risk of falls that cause fractures must also be lowered. For example, sleeping pills are one of the highest risk factors for sustaining osteoporotic fractures. They can impair coordination – for example, when getting out of bed – and thus lead to falls. Back braces can be used to lower the risk of osteoporotic fractures. The Spinomed orthosis strengthens the musculature and straightens the upper body. This increases the lung volume and reduces the shortness of breath associated with osteoporosis. Complete treatment also requires suitable pain management.”

Many years ago, you developed the Spinomed back brace with medi. How has the treatment of osteoporosis changed since then?

“The treatment options are already there, but they are not always used. We had orthoses before Spinomed was launched on the market. But the patients hardly wore them, because they were uncomfortable. In contrast, Spinomed was a genuine innovation and is still a very successful medical device for the treatment of osteoporosis today. The product is easy to put on and, most importantly, it works, because it increases the patients’ muscle strength. Compliance is excellent and, what’s more, huge strides have also been made in the development of drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis. Some drugs are given as an infusion. Vitamin D can also be injected, which saves patients from having to take yet another tablet. In contrast to earlier times, there are now many self-help groups, in which the patients train together and exchange news and views about their illness.”

How can surgical appliance retailers support patients?

“Human empathy is a decisive factor in dealing with patients with osteoporosis. As soon as somebody with a prescription for a back brace comes to the surgical appliance retailer, the member of staff in the surgical appliance retailer must remember that this person is in pain. Therefore, a friendly, empathic approach and competent advice on how the patient can cope with their illness are important. Patients also want surgical appliance retailers to give them advice on how best to deal with the activities of everyday living. With regard to the orthosis, this means: the surgical appliance retailer’s staff adjust the orthosis to the patient and also show the patient how easy it is to put on and take off.”

Professor Minne, thank you very much for talking to us.


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Sources and remarks


1 Pfeifer M et al. Am J Phys med. Rehabil 2004; 83 (3), 177-186

2 Pfeifer M et al. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2011; 90, 805-815

3 DVO Leitlinie Osteoporose 2014, www.dv-osteologie.org (last accessed 23.06.2017)

* Intended purpose: Spinomed

Brace designed to actively relieve load and correct the lumbar spine / thoracic spine in the sagittal plane.

** Intended purpose: Spinomed active

Brace designed to actively relieve load and correct the lumbar spine / thoracic spine in the sagittal plane.