Back problems – as varied as their causes
Did you know that back problems are one of the most common ailments the general population endures? Overstrain, poor posture, illnesses or injuries – the causes are manifold and varied. Standing, sitting and even lying down can become a problem for people with back disorders. This means precise diagnosis is important for targeted treatment.

Back pain: causes, prevention and therapy
There are many types of back pain: It can be chronic or acute as well as specific or non-specific. Take the online-test: The result can provide you initial guidance and, if necessary, the impetus for your next visit to the doctor. A wide range of treatment options is available. Although your doctor may recommend an orthosis or a similar medical aid such as a support, certain medications or surgery can also bring relief. You will also learn how important exercise is and why.
What helps with back pain?
Sacroiliac joint syndrome: Various causes
If the sacroiliac joint hurts, doctors refer to it as sacroiliac joint syndrome. Various causes can trigger sacroiliac joint pain, such as a functional disorder, inflammation or instability. Therapy is based on the cause, with the aim of not only treating the symptoms but also eliminating the pain trigger.
Information about sacroiliac joint syndrome
Symphyseal pain during pregnancy
Pelvic instabilities can cause another type of discomfort – especially in women during pregnancy: symphyseal pain. The symphysis (pubic symphysis) widens by three to four millimetres during pregnancy, which can cause pain. Find out what you can do to alleviate this pain.
Symphysis pain relief
Osteoporosis – the disease with the dowager’s hump
If you experience back pain, you should also take osteoporosis into account as cause – a metabolic disease where the bones become porous. It also affects the spine’s vertebral bodies: if osteoporosis remains untreated, the vertebrae can break. The patient loses height and in a painful process a hunchback, the so-called dowager’s hump, can form.
Back problems with osteoporosisInformation and exercises for a strong back

Back patients talk about their experiences
He is a cameraman and a back patient. Read about how Marc Ohlmeyer nevertheless manages to be a camera virtuoso – with heavy equipment and plenty of passion.
To the patient storyWhat are facet and sacroiliac joints? And which doctors specialise in back complaints?

Back orthoses can provide relief and support
The range of medi orthoses offers the right medical aids for various types of back complaints. They can relieve pain while impressing with pleasant wearing comfort.
To the back braces