How to strengthen your veins with vein gymnastics
Vein gymnastics and sport get the veins going: The heart pumps our blood through the arteries and into the body. The blood flows back to the heart via the venous system.
The heart lacks the power, however, to ensure a return flow from the legs. This is why the leg muscles take over the task of pumping in the veins (calf muscle pump).
Activate your leg veins: Walk a lot, stand a little

Exercise is an effective way to prevent venous disease. These sports, for example, are great for the veins and the muscle pump function:
- Cycling
- Nordic walking
- Running/walking
If we don’t move much (or not at all), the blood can build up in the leg veins. The initial consequences are merely unpleasant, but these can develop into venous diseases:
Vein therapy gymnastics: Instructions for vein exercises suitable for everyday use when in a standing-, lying- and sitting position
In addition, blood flow can be improved through targeted venous gymnastics. You can do the following exercises while standing, lying down or sitting. Even in confined spaces, for example on an aeroplane, you can always do your legs some good.
Rocking your feet: Raise the tips of your toes and heels alternately – standing or sitting.
Stand on tiptoes: Stand up and go into a toe stand with both feet at the same time, i.e.: You lift the heel and keep the ball of the foot on the floor.
Lifting your toes upwards: In this exercise, the heel stays on the floor and you lift the tips of your toes. You can do this exercise while sitting or lying down.
Rolling your feet: Sit down and lift the tips of the feet, making sure to keep the heels on the floor. Roll your feet clockwise and anticlockwise in alternating fashion.
Diagnosis & treatment
Product tip
Effects of compression
Health personnel will make the diagnosis and can prescribe compression stockings, e.g. from medi if necessary.
Your medical retailer will fit them individually for you.