Training exercises for children with foot malpositions
Has your child been prescribed orthopaedic insoles? Therapy-supporting exercises are useful to train the feet regularly. Above all, your child should have fun and not be overwhelmed. On this page you will find some simple exercises for children’s feet.
All exercises should be carried out under supervision to prevent tripping, falling or twisting of an ankle. Please seek medical or therapeutic advice beforehand.
Flamingo stand
Aim: Strengthening the foot muscles, improving coordination and fine motor skills.

Starting position: Stand with both feet hip-width apart on the floor.
- Stretch both arms upwards and bring your hands together.
- Put your weight onto one leg. Bend the other leg and rest the sole of your foot on the other knee.
- Extend your foot and stand on tiptoe – hold the position for a few seconds.
- Then stand on the other leg and repeat the exercise.
2 sets x 5 repetitions each side, 30 seconds rest in between sets
Aim: Strengthening the foot muscles, improving coordination and fine motor skills.

Starting position: Stand with both feet hip-width apart on the floor and lay a rope tangled on the floor in front of your feet.
- Now use your feet to roll up the rope into a snail – use one foot to hold it and the other to roll it up.
- Swap the feet in the next round.
2 sets x 5 repetitions each side, 30 seconds rest in between sets
Aim: Strengthening the foot muscles, improving coordination and fine motor skills.

Starting position: Stand with both feet hip-width apart on the floor and drop a small towel on the floor in front of your feet.
- Untangle the towel with your feet and “iron” it smooth; use one foot to hold it and the other to “iron” it.
- Swap the feet in the next round.
2 sets x 5 repetitions each side, 30 seconds rest in between sets
Toe/heel gait
Aim: Strengthening the foot muscles, improving coordination and fine motor skills.

Starting position: Stand with both feet hip-width apart on the floor.
- Push up onto your toes with both feet.
- Walk on tiptoes for 3 to 4 metres.
- Turn round and pull your toes upwards – walk back to the starting point on your heels.
2 sets x 5 repetitions, 30 seconds rest in between sets
Tip: Placing a plastic cup on your head will help you to stay upright.
Picking up marbles
Aim: Improvement of coordination and mobility.

Starting position: Stand with both feet hip-width apart on the floor and drop a few marbles on the floor.
- Pick up the marbles with your feet and drop them into a container.
- Alternate the feet.
3 sets, 30 seconds rest in between sets
Crossing your legs
Aim: Strengthening the foot muscles, improving coordination and fine motor skills.

Starting position: Stand with both feet on the floor, with both feet closed together.
- Lift the left foot, cross it over the right foot and place it back down next to the outer edge of the right foot.
- Pull the right foot back to return to the starting position.
- On the way back cross the right foot over the left foot.
3 sets x 10 repetitions, 30 seconds rest in between sets
Aim: Strengthening the foot muscles, improving coordination and fine motor skills.

Starting position: Stand with both legs hip-width apart on a fixed small elevation.
- Squat down with both legs.
- Jump as far forward as possible.
3 sets x 5 repetitions, 30 seconds rest in between sets
Tip: Make sure that your feet and knees are pointing straight ahead when you land.
Hopping on one leg
Aim: Strengthening the foot muscles, improving coordination and fine motor skills.

Starting position: Stand with both feet hip-width apart on the floor and put your weight onto one leg and lift the other leg off the floor.
- Hop on one leg in the figure of “8”.
- Keep the upper body straight while doing so.
- Change legs after one round.
3 sets, 30 seconds rest in between sets
Toe caterpillar
Aim: Mobility, activation of the transverse foot arches.

Starting position: Stand with both feet hip-width apart on the floor, lay a plastic cup on the floor in front of your feet.
Exercise: By curling your toes, pull your foot forwards towards the cup and then shoot it forwards a little.
3 sets x 5 repetitions each side, 30 seconds rest in between sets